Process of ordering a vendor service (course/lesson) for your learner:

  1. Place your request here at least 7 business days before the start of the course.
  2. Your EF will screen the course information and submit it to the vendor department for approval. You will receive an Order Agreement via email when it has been submitted to the vendor department. If you do not receive an Order Agreement within 3 days of submitting this form, please contact your EF.
  3. The vendor department will review the submission and, if approved, will generate a purchase order for the vendor. Do not participate in services until the vendor confirms the purchase order has been approved in their billing account (OPS).
  4. Learner attends the course and upon completion, the vendor will submit an invoice for payment AFTER the services have been rendered.


  • If a learner attends classes without an approved purchase order, the parent will be responsible for any vendor charges.
  • Payments to vendors can only be made for instruction that takes place while the learner is actively enrolled with iLEAD. Parents are responsible for payments and/or fees to vendors (according to their respective policies) if they choose to withdraw before the order is fulfilled.
  • In special circumstances, a refund may be necessary. All funds must be returned to the school.
  • Instructional funds pay for courses/lessons/classes related to direct instruction, per the ILP/AWR, but they do not cover testing or assessment fees.