
7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 4 is Think Win-Win.

This habit is the habit of mutual benefit. Thinking win-win means that we balance courage and consideration and build win-win systems, which result in faster solutions to problems, more team involvement, a generosity of spirit, and richer, more thoughtful relationships.

In our homes, we are constantly facing conflict. If you have multiple children, then conflict occurs regularly between siblings. Conflict could also occur in everyday events like when a decision needs to be made or when planning activities. Learning how to come up with a win-win is valuable.

Suggested Activity: When a conflict occurs, take time to brainstorm some win-win outcomes. Make two columns on a piece of paper and write win-win outcomes on one side and other outcomes on the other side. As you brainstorm outcomes, determine whether the outcome belongs on the win-win side or the other side. Finally, choose a win-win outcome for the conflict.