The SCVi Spanish Dual Immersion program
serves grades K-5.


What is Dual Language Immersion?

Dual Language Immersion refers to teaching and learning in two languages. Learners are taught 50 percent of the instructional time in Spanish by a native Spanish-speaking facilitator and 50 percent of the instructional time in English by an English-speaking facilitator.

Learners share the same curriculum and project-based opportunities as their peers and have exposure to the same state standards while receiving instruction in both languages. The Spanish-speaking and English-speaking teachers will collaborate on teaching all subject material.

Why Language Immersion?

  • More than 40 years of research consistently documents the power of language immersion programs to help learners attain high levels of second-language proficiency.
  • No other type of instruction, short of living in a second-language environment, is as successful.
  • Young children especially thrive in this type of instructional environment.


If you have questions, please do not hesitate to email

Proven Benefits

Second Language Skills
Learners achieve high proficiency in the immersion language.

Enhanced Cognitive Skills
Immersion learners typically develop greater cognitive flexibility, demonstrating increased attention, better memory, superior problem-solving skills, and an enhanced understanding of their primary language.

Increased Cultural Sensitivity
Language immersion learners are more aware of and show more positive attitudes toward other cultures. They develop an appreciation of all people.

Long-Term Benefits
Language immersion learners are best prepared for the global community and career opportunities where a second language is an asset.

Contact us to schedule a tour and experience the SCVi difference for yourself.

If you’re interested in enrolling, please click below: