
From Impossible to I’m Possible Assembly

Shakespeare Theater
Thursday, Oct. 26
10-11 a.m. 6-8th Grade Middle School
11-noon  9-12 Upper School

“From Impossible to I’m Possible” is a primal piece of live storytelling that creates an emotional connection between learners and the powerful message that bullying is preventable. The program will present signs and symptoms of bullying, the differences between conflict and bullying as well as telling vs. tattling, how to move from being a bystander to an up-stander, when to stand up and when to walk away, healthy tips and tactics to deal with a bully, how and why we should develop empathy for the bully, and how to maintain the culture at SCVi to keep anti-bullying at the forefront of students’ minds and to promote inclusion of all students all year long.

Students will also learn:

  • The definition and application of kindness
  • The definition and application of empathy
  • The Platinum Rule (building on the Golden Rule. “Treat others the way they want to be treated)
  • The definition of coping skills and how coping skills can help the bully and the person being bullied