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Facilitator Taking STEM Passions To Upper Stratosphere

One of the many tenets of project-based learning is authenticity – learning that is as relevant and real world as possible. When it comes to authentic science learning, iLEAD SCVi…

One of the many tenets of project-based learning is authenticity – learning that is as relevant and real world as possible. When it comes to authentic science learning, iLEAD SCVi Facilitator Dustin Lengning has taken this to a whole new level.

Lengning has just been selected as an educator to fly on NASA’S SOFIA (the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) – a Boeing 747SP aircraft modified to serve as a mobile space observatory. SOFIA flies into the stratosphere at 38,000-45,000 feet and operates above 99 percent of Earth’s infrared-blocking atmosphere. This allows astronomers to study the solar system and beyond in ways that are not possible with ground-based telescopes.

All of this is part of the Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors Program that Lengning applied to this past fall. After recently learning he had been accepted, Lengning indicated how excited he is to be part of an elite program that allows researchers to observe from almost anywhere in the world. SOFIA enables studies of transient events that often take place over oceans where there are no telescopes. For example, astronomers on SOFIA studied eclipse-like events of Pluto, Saturn’s moon Titan and Kuiper Belt Object MU69. Other examples include the next flyby target for NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft to study the objects’ atmospheres and surroundings.  

“I am excited about flying on SOFIA and seeing how the instruments work and the data that gets collected. Being a part of something historical is something I could only have dreamed of,” said Lengning. “I am extremely excited about which places in our universe we will be studying and what the astrophysicists plan for us.”

With training webinars already underway, Lengning will continue to learn everything he needs to know over the coming months in order to prepare for his flight this fall. His training includes blended learning professional development consisting of webinars, asynchronous content (an upper level astronomy course) and hands-on workshops. Additionally, Lengning will have several immersive experiences and continued collaboration with experts and other participants in the program.

Others in the iLEAD orbit are excited for Lengning and this unique opportunity as an educator. iLEAD Director of STEAM Activities Kathleen Fredette – herself one of the original six educators selected to fly on SOPHIA in 2011 – said that this is truly a full circle moment for her. She said that Lengning fits NASA’s SOFIA and the Airborne Astronomy Ambassador educator profile perfectly – someone who will take this incredible privilege and create connections and further opportunities for young people he serves in the iLEAD community. 

“I could not have been happier when I heard the fabulous news of Dustin’s selection to the SOFIA AAA program — I may have cried a bit,” said Fredette. “It’s quite an accomplishment and I look forward to seeing what project ideas emerge from his experience.”

For Lengning, this is part of one of his primary goals – continuing to model lifelong learning to his learners, while also always considering new project ideas. He said he wants to continue to broaden his expertise to help both his learners and the entire iLEAD Community. 

“For me, it is always about being better than I was; leveling up myself not only for me, but for my learners,” said Lengning. “I always want to push myself into bigger and better things so I am excited to see where this endeavor takes me.”

Lengning’s message to his fellow educators is to continue to challenge themselves in their own learning and positions as role models. 

“Our learners are always looking up to us. When we do things that are hard, it tells them that they can do the same thing,” he said. “I hope my learners can see what I am doing and choose to also push themselves into scientific arenas that interest them.”

SCVi: Nurturing Lifelong Learning through Authentic Relationships

…achieve this? At the start of every school year, your child will complete an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) to document their academic and social-emotional goals, strengths, and areas for growth….

At SCVi, we foster academic and social-emotional growth through authentic relationships with our learners. We get to know each child’s interests, strengths, and what sparks their learning.

How do we achieve this?

At the start of every school year, your child will complete an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) to document their academic and social-emotional goals, strengths, and areas for growth. This plan guides us in tailoring our curriculum to fit your child’s unique needs.

Through project-based learning, your child’s passions become an integral part of their education. This hands-on method not only makes learning engaging and relevant but also fosters a deep understanding of the material.

Our facilitators build a culture of care in the classroom by getting to know each learner personally, encouraging both their academic and social-emotional development. When learners feel known and respected by their educators, they are motivated to succeed.

At SCVi, we see the unique strengths in every child. We recognize and nurture the remarkable potential within, providing a personalized curriculum and supportive environment that supports your child’s development.

We look forward to celebrating your child on their journey of lifelong learning!

Free Breakfast and Lunch at SCVi

Enrolled learners are invited to enjoy free breakfast and lunch every day they’re at school. We encourage learners to enjoy both meals, ensuring full bellies and nourished minds, ready for

Enrolled learners are invited to enjoy free breakfast and lunch every day they’re at school. We encourage learners to enjoy both meals, ensuring full bellies and nourished minds, ready for learning!

Why eat school breakfast?

  • Better Productivity: Improves brain function and increases focus
  • Better Health: School breakfast promises a balanced diet with proper nutrition.
  • Better Mornings: One less thing to worry about before school. And it’s FREE!

Grab a breakfast every day!

Learn more about our lunch program here.

Free Breakfast and Lunch at SCVi

Enrolled learners are invited to enjoy free breakfast and lunch every day they’re at school. We encourage learners to enjoy both meals, ensuring full bellies and nourished minds, ready for

Enrolled learners are invited to enjoy free breakfast and lunch every day they’re at school. We encourage learners to enjoy both meals, ensuring full bellies and nourished minds, ready for learning!

Why eat school breakfast?

  • Better Productivity: Improves brain function and increases focus
  • Better Health: School breakfast promises a balanced diet with proper nutrition.
  • Better Mornings: One less thing to worry about before school. And it’s FREE!

Grab a breakfast every day!

Learn more about our lunch program here.

Free Breakfast and Lunch at SCVi

Enrolled learners are invited to enjoy free breakfast and lunch every day they’re at school. We encourage learners to enjoy both meals, ensuring full bellies and nourished minds, ready for

Enrolled learners are invited to enjoy free breakfast and lunch every day they’re at school. We encourage learners to enjoy both meals, ensuring full bellies and nourished minds, ready for learning!

Why eat school breakfast?

  • Better Productivity: Improves brain function and increases focus
  • Better Health: School breakfast promises a balanced diet with proper nutrition.
  • Better Mornings: One less thing to worry about before school. And it’s FREE!

Grab a breakfast every day!

Learn more about our lunch program here.

Free Breakfast and Lunch at SCVi

Enrolled learners are invited to enjoy free breakfast and lunch every day they’re at school. We encourage learners to enjoy both meals, ensuring full bellies and nourished minds, ready for

Enrolled learners are invited to enjoy free breakfast and lunch every day they’re at school. We encourage learners to enjoy both meals, ensuring full bellies and nourished minds, ready for learning!

Why eat school breakfast?

  • Better Productivity: Improves brain function and increases focus
  • Better Health: School breakfast promises a balanced diet with proper nutrition.
  • Better Mornings: One less thing to worry about before school. And it’s FREE!

Grab a breakfast every day!

Learn more about our lunch program here.

Free Breakfast and Lunch at SCVi

Enrolled learners are invited to enjoy free breakfast and lunch every day they’re at school. We encourage learners to enjoy both meals, ensuring full bellies and nourished minds, ready for

Enrolled learners are invited to enjoy free breakfast and lunch every day they’re at school. We encourage learners to enjoy both meals, ensuring full bellies and nourished minds, ready for learning!

Why eat school breakfast?

  • Better Productivity: Improves brain function and increases focus
  • Better Health: School breakfast promises a balanced diet with proper nutrition.
  • Better Mornings: One less thing to worry about before school. And it’s FREE!

Grab a breakfast every day!

Learn more about our lunch program here.

Best of Sam Grossinger SCVi Times

…School (SCVi) is a free public charter school empowering TK-12th graders to become conscientious, compassionate, and responsible citizens of the world. We use project-based and social-emotional learning concepts to inspire…

You’d never know Sam Grossinger might have been a bit more reserved before his time at Santa Clarita Valley International School (SCVi), our tuition-free TK-12th grade school in Castaic. But he credits his time with us as preparing him for his life today. Without SCVi, he says, “I wouldn’t have come out of my shell. I used to be very quiet and not a big people person, but going to school at SCVi helped me because most of the assignments we had were assigned in groups. I learned how to share my thoughts with others and how to work with other people!” 

Best of Times in School

His time at SCVi may have ended with graduation in 2022, but here is a peek at Sam’s best of times at our tuition-free TK-12th grade school:

-Creating a haunted house for the Fall Festival

-DJing for multiple student dances

-Going to Catalina with all his classmates through field studies and learning about the marine life

-So many sports! Flag football, baseball, basketball, golf, and volleyball

-Yearly Winter Talent Show with friends Griffin and Skyler

-The Glider project – “I loved learning about the gliders and especially enjoyed being able to fly!”

Now, Sam is in his second year at Ventura College studying automotive vehicle maintenance with the intention of working for a race team in the future. Talk about teamwork in action! When not in school, Sam works on his car and has made three feature-length movies with his director friend and fellow SCVi alum, Griffin. Two of the films have won film festival awards. 

We’re so proud of Sam and all our students at SCVi. We love to keep school interesting by offering a wide variety of engaging activities and class options, like dual language immersion, multiage learning, career-connected learning (beginning next year, we’re offering an Aerospace Career Technical Education pathway), and integrated arts.

Create your very best school experience: we’re tuition-free and enrolling now!

About SCVi:

Santa Clarita Valley International School (SCVi) is a free public charter school empowering TK-12th graders to become conscientious, compassionate, and responsible citizens of the world. We use project-based and social-emotional learning concepts to inspire and motivate lifelong learners with the skills they need to lead in the 21st century. We incorporate technology into every component of our curriculum, and we value and encourage development of leadership skills by inspiring confidence and character in each of our unique learners. Join our innovative school today!

Now Starring: SCVi Parent Fabi Gomez & Learner Ray Newton

…enrolling now! About SCVi: Santa Clarita Valley International School (SCVi) is a free public charter school empowering TK-12th graders to become conscientious, compassionate, and responsible citizens of the world. We…

There are many, many ways to shine at Santa Clarita Valley International (SCVi) Charter School, a tuition-free TK-12th grade school in Castaic. Best of all, you don’t have to choose just one. Take Rayleigh Newton. Ray has starred in theatre productions, sent a science project to space, and dunked a teacher or two. We asked Ray and Fabi (mom and Ray’s fellow night-owl) what they love about SCVi.

When did you start at SCVi and what grade is Ray in now?

Fabi: Ray started 4th grade at SCVi and is going into 7th grade now.

Why did you choose to enroll Ray at SCVi?

Fabi: Ray was not comfortable or happy in a traditional school setting.

Who is a strong SCVi influence and why?

Ray: Mr. Call and Ms. Rose were my first facilitators at SCVi. They go above and beyond as teachers. I trust them and they have been strong positive influences in my life. I feel like they truly care about me and my future.

What are some of the events you enjoy at SCVi? 

Fabi: We participate and volunteer at just about every event but my favorites are Trunk-or-Treat and Bingetti (spaghetti bingo night). 

Ray: Spirit Week and Dunk-A-Teacher event! 

What activities are you involved in at SCVi?

Ray: I try out for theatre every year. So far I have been Alice in Alice in Wonderland, Dr. Roberta in Pigsylvania and the Mayor and Queen in Bedtime Stories. I am the treasurer in student council. I am a Principal investigator (PI) of Team Bok Choy for DreamUp to Space and also I manage the Kindness Board. I also love art and Mr. Matt helps me with my submissions to the yearly art contest.

Can you name a favorite project you’ve worked on at SCVi? What made it memorable?

Ray: DreamUp to Space. I had my project launched into space! I got to work with something that’s actually been in space and analyze it in a lab. I got to go to Kennedy Space Center (it was a blast! Get it?) and we attended the awards ceremony with all the other participants, which was fun. It was really rewarding to have my work chosen. I would like to help future astronauts in space missions and also I hope to have a career in NASA when I grow up. 

Who would you like to give a “shoutout” to at SCVi? Who has helped you and how?

Fabi: Mr. Call, he has advocated for Ray and my family in so many ways. He’s the best cheerleader and extremely supportive. 

Ray: Mr. Kern because he helps me with emotional support and overcoming personal troubles. He is kind and generous. 

Can you guess who said what in these fun facts about Ray and Fabi…

  • I know how to sew, I made my own utility belt to keep my tools in, I’ve sewn items for my dolls and made beanbags for hacky sack. 
  • I love Greek mythology! I’ve read every book by Rick Riordan and I know an insane amount of facts and trivia about Ancient Greece. 
  • I have two dogs. We adopted Sakura two years ago and Pastel last November. I love to go on hikes with them on the trails around Santa Clarita. 
  • I am a vegetarian, and my favorite dish is vegetarian sausage. I am learning how to cook recipes from a Harry Potter cookbook I bought at the SCVi Book Fair. 

Thank you for sharing more about yourselves, Fabi and Ray. We’re so glad you’re with us at SCVi!

Join us – our tuition-free TK-12th grade charter school is enrolling now!

About SCVi:

Santa Clarita Valley International School (SCVi) is a free public charter school empowering TK-12th graders to become conscientious, compassionate, and responsible citizens of the world. We use project-based and social-emotional learning concepts to inspire and motivate lifelong learners with the skills they need to lead in the 21st century. We incorporate technology into every component of our curriculum, and we value and encourage development of leadership skills by inspiring confidence and character in each of our unique learners. Join our innovative school today!

Scholarships Available!

…distraction-free and keep our roads safe. Contest is only open to Santa Clarita Valley Middle and High School students. SUBMISSIONS DUE BY April 30 at 5 p.m. WINNERS ANNOUNCED May…


The City of Santa Clarita is looking for the best creative and engaging public service announcement (P.S.A.) video that will inspire Santa Clarita teens to drive distraction-free and keep our roads safe.

Contest is only open to Santa Clarita Valley Middle and High School students.

April 30 at 5 p.m.

May 18, 2018

The official rules can be viewed [here]

If you are eligible, you can enter [here]

Senior Scholarship Opportunity:  Ford Driving Dreams

Scholarships Available!

…distraction-free and keep our roads safe. Contest is only open to Santa Clarita Valley Middle and High School students. SUBMISSIONS DUE BY April 30 at 5 p.m. WINNERS ANNOUNCED May…


The City of Santa Clarita is looking for the best creative and engaging public service announcement (P.S.A.) video that will inspire Santa Clarita teens to drive distraction-free and keep our roads safe.

Contest is only open to Santa Clarita Valley Middle and High School students.

April 30 at 5 p.m.

May 18, 2018

The official rules can be viewed [here]

If you are eligible, you can enter [here]

Senior Scholarship Opportunity:  Ford Driving Dreams

Scholarships Available!

…distraction-free and keep our roads safe. Contest is only open to Santa Clarita Valley Middle and High School students. SUBMISSIONS DUE BY April 30 at 5 p.m. WINNERS ANNOUNCED May…


The City of Santa Clarita is looking for the best creative and engaging public service announcement (P.S.A.) video that will inspire Santa Clarita teens to drive distraction-free and keep our roads safe.

Contest is only open to Santa Clarita Valley Middle and High School students.

April 30 at 5 p.m.

May 18, 2018

The official rules can be viewed [here]

If you are eligible, you can enter [here]

Senior Scholarship Opportunity:  Ford Driving Dreams

Two Scholarship Opportunities

…distraction-free and keep our roads safe. Contest is only open to Santa Clarita Valley middle and high school students. SUBMISSIONS DUE BY: April 30 at 5 p.m. WINNERS ANNOUNCED: May 18 The…


The City of Santa Clarita is looking for the best creative and engaging public service announcement (P.S.A.) video that will inspire Santa Clarita teens to drive distraction-free and keep our roads safe.

Contest is only open to Santa Clarita Valley middle and high school students.

SUBMISSIONS DUE BY: April 30 at 5 p.m.


The official rules can be viewed [here]

If you are eligible, you can enter [here] 

Senior Scholarship Opportunity:  Ford Driving Dreams

SCVi Fun Run Fundraiser Launches February 5!

…in favor of clean, safe, rubber turf!   Take these quick and easy steps to get movin’! Review these instructions for important tips when creating your learner’s Snap account! Families…

Hi there, SCVi families!

The 2024 Fun Run Fundraiser has officially begun! Proceeds will go toward replacing the wood chips under the play structure. Say good-bye to splinters and mess in favor of clean, safe, rubber turf!
Take these quick and easy steps to get movin’!

  1. Review these instructions for important tips when creating your learner’s Snap account! Families with multiple learners should create one account and list all learners on the “First Name” line.
  2. Create your learner’s Snap account by clicking here and following the instructions linked above. Use join code 270041542. Add emails and phone numbers for family and friends to send donation invitations. Share your learner’s Snap profile from your social media accounts. The more, the merrier!
  3. Cash and check donations are also welcome. Ledgers with instructions will go home with your learner this week. Please make checks payable to Scarlet Foundation.

We’re excited to connect with our school community to celebrate physical movement while fundraising. Together, we can reach our goal!
Let the FUN begin!
The Parents of Scarlet Foundation

P.S. The SCVi Spirit Wear Store is open! Buy your Stallions swag in time for the upcoming Fun Run so you can support our school with pride! Hats, shirts, stickers, bags and more are all available for you to customize: print the SCVi Stallions logo in your favorite color and have it delivered straight to your door! 

Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Lifelong Learner

…deeper knowledge of this Learner Outcome. This article has several tips to help you cultivate a love for learning in your child: “Nurturing Lifelong Learners: Cultivating a Love for Learning

iLEAD is excited to continue our Schoolwide Learner Outcomes series.

We believe that education should extend beyond traditional academic knowledge. Our purposeful approach revolves around the iLEAD Schoolwide Learner Outcomes, a collective vision that encapsulates our aspirations for each individual’s education.

The iLEAD Schoolwide Learner Outcomes serve as our compass, guiding us in shaping each child’s educational journey.

In the course of a child’s career with iLEAD Schools, our learners will engage with a relevant and rigorous curriculum that will prepare them for success personally and professionally.

The following are the expected Schoolwide Learner Outcomes that our learners develop:

iLEAD by being a/an…

Lifelong Learner

I am a self-directed learner, focused on personal growth and development.

Empathetic Citizen

I seek to understand and appreciate what others are thinking, feeling, or experiencing.

Authentic Individual

I am true to myself, my personality, values, beliefs, and principles.

Design Thinker

I am a creative, imaginative individual who explores original ideas, takes risks, and develops innovative solutions that I share with others.

Our January focus is Lifelong Learners as we build upon and gain a deeper knowledge of this Learner Outcome. This article has several tips to help you cultivate a love for learning in your child: “Nurturing Lifelong Learners: Cultivating a Love for Learning in Your Child.”

Schoolwide Learner Outcome: Lifelong Learners

…is Lifelong Learners. This article has several tips to help you cultivate a love for learning in your child: “Nurturing Lifelong Learners: Cultivating a Love for Learning in Your Child.”…

iLEAD is excited to introduce our new Schoolwide Learner Outcomes beginning this school year.

We believe that education should extend beyond traditional academic knowledge. Our purposeful approach revolves around the iLEAD Schoolwide Learner Outcomes, a collective vision that encapsulates our aspirations for each individual’s education.

The iLEAD Schoolwide Learner Outcomes serve as our compass, guiding us in shaping each child’s educational journey.

In the course of a child’s career with iLEAD Schools, our learners will engage with a relevant and rigorous curriculum that will prepare them for success personally and professionally.

The following are the expected Schoolwide Learner Outcomes that our learners develop:

iLEAD by being a/an…

Lifelong Learner

I am a self-directed learner, focused on personal growth and development.

Empathetic Citizen

I seek to understand and appreciate what others are thinking, feeling, or experiencing.

Authentic Individual

I am true to myself, my personality, values, beliefs, and principles.

Design Thinker

I am a creative, imaginative individual who explores original ideas, takes risks, and develops innovative solutions that I share with others.

Our September focus is Lifelong Learners. This article has several tips to help you cultivate a love for learning in your child:  “Nurturing Lifelong Learners: Cultivating a Love for Learning in Your Child.”

Learner-Led Conferences: February 2

…builds the learner’s sense of responsibility and accountability for their own learning. The learner develops an understanding of what it means to meet learning targets and Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)…

At SCVi, we host Learner-Led Conferences (LLCs) to promote learner engagement, motivation, and achievement. Our final day of LLCs is scheduled for February 2. These conferences create a purposeful way for learners to take ownership of their learning and to make meaningful connections with their families to support their academic and personal growth.

How LLCs Inspire Learners to Take Ownership of Their Learning

  • The learner prepares for the conference, which creates an authentic purpose for good organizational and communication skills.
  • The learner facilitates the meeting from start to finish.
  • The structure builds the learner’s sense of responsibility and accountability for their own learning.
  • The learner develops an understanding of what it means to meet learning targets and Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) goals.

What Is the Role of the Learner at an LLC?

  • To provide a detailed assessment of learning that has taken place through reflection.
  • To guide the parent/caregiver on a tour of their learning.

What Is the Role of the Parent/Caregiver at an LLC?

  • To attend the conference with the learner.
  • To listen attentively as the learner reviews work and progress toward ILP goals.
  • To ask questions, which fosters critical thinking and reflection as the learner reviews their work.
  • To write a note or letter to the child at the end of the conference.

What Is the Role of the Facilitator at an LLC?

  • To step back and ensure that the learner leads the conference.
  • To offer prompts as needed.

Your child’s facilitator will be in touch to ask you to make an appointment for the conference. We hope you will take advantage of this wonderful experience to support your child’s lifelong learning journey.

Learner-Led Conferences: January 25-26

…the learner’s sense of responsibility and accountability for their own learning. The learner develops an understanding of what it means to meet learning targets and Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) goals….

At SCVi, we host Learner-Led Conferences (LLCs) to promote learner engagement, motivation, and achievement. Our next LLCs are scheduled for January 25-26. These conferences create a purposeful way for learners to take ownership of their learning and to make meaningful connections with their families to support their academic and personal growth.

How LLCs Inspire Learners to Take Ownership of Their Learning

  • The learner prepares for the conference, which creates an authentic purpose for good organizational and communication skills.
  • The learner facilitates the meeting from start to finish.
  • The structure builds the learner’s sense of responsibility and accountability for their own learning.
  • The learner develops an understanding of what it means to meet learning targets and Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) goals.

What Is the Role of the Learner at an LLC?

  • To provide a detailed assessment of learning that has taken place through reflection.
  • To guide the parent/caregiver on a tour of their learning.

What Is the Role of the Parent/Caregiver at an LLC?

  • To attend the conference with the learner.
  • To listen attentively as the learner reviews work and progress toward ILP goals.
  • To ask questions, which fosters critical thinking and reflection as the learner reviews their work.
  • To write a note or letter to the child at the end of the conference.

What Is the Role of the Facilitator at an LLC?

  • To step back and ensure that the learner leads the conference.
  • To offer prompts as needed.

Your child’s facilitator will be in touch to ask you to make an appointment for the conference. We hope you will take advantage of this wonderful experience to support your child’s lifelong learning journey.

iLEAD’s Commitment To Equity

At iLEAD Schools, we have always been committed to providing a safe, equitable learning environment for all learners and staff. iLEAD staff engage in learning centered on equity, antiracism, diversity,…

At iLEAD Schools, we have always been committed to providing a safe, equitable learning environment for all learners and staff. iLEAD staff engage in learning centered on equity, antiracism, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility, all of which have been in alignment with our philosophy from the beginning. The iLEAD Equity Task Force, comprised of committed individuals from across the organization, evaluates the systems, policies, and practices of our organization to address where iLEAD can eliminate policies, practices, attitudes, and cultural messages that reinforce differential outcomes by race, status, or identity. We recognize that equity is not a destination but an ongoing journey that we are honored to continue with our community of learners and staff.

iLEAD’s Equity Mission:

We will continually identify and dismantle inequitable practices, challenge and eliminate institutional biases and barriers, and allocate resources to ensure that every learner gets what they need to thrive socially, emotionally, and intellectually.

iLEAD’s Equity Vision:

All learners will learn in a safe, inclusive, and equitable environment where culture and identity are viewed as assets, learner voice and agency are cultivated as measures of success, and all learners see themselves reflected in the content of their learning and in the educators who serve them.

Learner-Led Conferences: January 25-26

…the learner’s sense of responsibility and accountability for their own learning. The learner develops an understanding of what it means to meet learning targets and Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) goals….

At SCVi, we host Learner-Led Conferences (LLCs) to promote learner engagement, motivation, and achievement. Our next LLCs are scheduled for January 25-26. These conferences create a purposeful way for learners to take ownership of their learning and to make meaningful connections with their families to support their academic and personal growth.

How LLCs Inspire Learners to Take Ownership of Their Learning

  • The learner prepares for the conference, which creates an authentic purpose for good organizational and communication skills.
  • The learner facilitates the meeting from start to finish.
  • The structure builds the learner’s sense of responsibility and accountability for their own learning.
  • The learner develops an understanding of what it means to meet learning targets and Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) goals.

What Is the Role of the Learner at an LLC?

  • To provide a detailed assessment of learning that has taken place through reflection.
  • To guide the parent/caregiver on a tour of their learning.

What Is the Role of the Parent/Caregiver at an LLC?

  • To attend the conference with the learner.
  • To listen attentively as the learner reviews work and progress toward ILP goals.
  • To ask questions, which fosters critical thinking and reflection as the learner reviews their work.
  • To write a note or letter to the child at the end of the conference.

What Is the Role of the Facilitator at an LLC?

  • To step back and ensure that the learner leads the conference.
  • To offer prompts as needed.

Your child’s facilitator will be in touch to ask you to make an appointment for the conference. We hope you will take advantage of this wonderful experience to support your child’s lifelong learning journey.