SCVi, iLEAD's Founding School

Now Starring: SCVi Parent Fabi Gomez & Learner Ray Newton

Santa Clarita Valley International (SCVi) family of two people smile for the camera in front of a wall of green shrubbery. One wears a black and white buffalo-checked jacket and the other an iLead Aerospace grey sweatshirt.

There are many, many ways to shine at Santa Clarita Valley International (SCVi) Charter School, a tuition-free TK-12th grade school in Castaic. Best of all, you don’t have to choose just one. Take Rayleigh Newton. Ray has starred in theatre productions, sent a science project to space, and dunked a teacher or two. We asked Ray and Fabi (mom and Ray’s fellow night-owl) what they love about SCVi.

When did you start at SCVi and what grade is Ray in now?

Fabi: Ray started 4th grade at SCVi and is going into 7th grade now.

Why did you choose to enroll Ray at SCVi?

Fabi: Ray was not comfortable or happy in a traditional school setting.

Who is a strong SCVi influence and why?

Ray: Mr. Call and Ms. Rose were my first facilitators at SCVi. They go above and beyond as teachers. I trust them and they have been strong positive influences in my life. I feel like they truly care about me and my future.

What are some of the events you enjoy at SCVi? 

Fabi: We participate and volunteer at just about every event but my favorites are Trunk-or-Treat and Bingetti (spaghetti bingo night). 

Ray: Spirit Week and Dunk-A-Teacher event! 

What activities are you involved in at SCVi?

Ray: I try out for theatre every year. So far I have been Alice in Alice in Wonderland, Dr. Roberta in Pigsylvania and the Mayor and Queen in Bedtime Stories. I am the treasurer in student council. I am a Principal investigator (PI) of Team Bok Choy for DreamUp to Space and also I manage the Kindness Board. I also love art and Mr. Matt helps me with my submissions to the yearly art contest.

Can you name a favorite project you’ve worked on at SCVi? What made it memorable?

Ray: DreamUp to Space. I had my project launched into space! I got to work with something that’s actually been in space and analyze it in a lab. I got to go to Kennedy Space Center (it was a blast! Get it?) and we attended the awards ceremony with all the other participants, which was fun. It was really rewarding to have my work chosen. I would like to help future astronauts in space missions and also I hope to have a career in NASA when I grow up. 

Who would you like to give a “shoutout” to at SCVi? Who has helped you and how?

Fabi: Mr. Call, he has advocated for Ray and my family in so many ways. He’s the best cheerleader and extremely supportive. 

Ray: Mr. Kern because he helps me with emotional support and overcoming personal troubles. He is kind and generous. 

Can you guess who said what in these fun facts about Ray and Fabi…

Thank you for sharing more about yourselves, Fabi and Ray. We’re so glad you’re with us at SCVi!

Join us – our tuition-free TK-12th grade charter school is enrolling now!

About SCVi:

Santa Clarita Valley International School (SCVi) is a free public charter school empowering TK-12th graders to become conscientious, compassionate, and responsible citizens of the world. We use project-based and social-emotional learning concepts to inspire and motivate lifelong learners with the skills they need to lead in the 21st century. We incorporate technology into every component of our curriculum, and we value and encourage development of leadership skills by inspiring confidence and character in each of our unique learners. Join our innovative school today!

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