SCVi, iLEAD's Founding School

SCVi DreamUp Design Challenge 2022-23

Through the SCVi DreamUp to Space Mission 2022-23 Experiment Design Challenge, SCVi learners have been busy designing experiments that could be selected to be conducted on the International Space Station. During the final phase, our finalist teams created short videos pitching their ideas and the plans they developed for how, in the event that their experiment is chosen, they will use the opportunity for their school site and community outreach. Learners were required to include subject matter experts to support their experiment designs. A panel of science and space experts is reviewing their proposals and videos. The top team will have their experiment flown and conducted on the International Space Stations, targeted for May 2023.

Congratulations and best wishes to this year’s iLEAD SCVi DreamUp to Space Mission 2022-23 Experiment Design Challenge finalists!

Team: Fitness in Space (not pictured)
Learners: Delaney Sommer

Team Bok Choy

Team: Team Bok Choy
Learners: Rayleigh Newton, Kara Chan

Team: Team Peppermint (not pictured)
Learners: Catalina Fowler, Ayla Mitchell, Emily Panman, Ione Caplan

Team: Team Healthy Flowers (Calendula officinalis)
Learners: Alexis Lemus, Aleeya Medrano, Abbie Lasoff

Team: Team Lettuce
Learners: Sofia Aranda, Madilynn Lippert

Update February 3: Click here for the final experiment selection!

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