SCVi, iLEAD's Founding School

Monday Message – February 1, 2021

SCVi learners holding thank-you notes

Dear learners and families,

Happy National Freedom Day! We hope this first day of February finds you feeling happy, healthy, and free. Today we honor the momentous signing of the resolution that later became the 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution, which outlawed enslavement in our country. Today this is celebrated by the laying of wreaths at our nation’s Liberty Bell, offering all of us and our future generations the hope that is universally felt in the sentiment “Let Freedom Ring!” We encourage you to join us in considering the freedom that is our right and how we can continue working together to make this a reality for all of our citizens with regular self-reflection of our beliefs as well as seeking first to understand and then to be understood.

This first week of February is also National School Counseling Week. We want to acknowledge and celebrate our school counselors, Ms. Danielle Monton, Mr. AJ Moosa, Ms. Karlyn Johnson, Ms. Kris Nilsen. They work tirelessly to support all our learners! Our deepest gratitude and appreciation for everything each of you do for all our learners, families, and staff!

Finally, we thank you all for completing your child’s Intent to Return form. This information helps us make important decisions for each grade level for the upcoming school year. We will also be hosting our Annual School Lottery in March, so please encourage your friends and families to enroll as we look forward to growing our school enrollment in the upcoming school year.

Yours in unity,

The SCVi Leadership Team

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