SCVi, iLEAD's Founding School

Pack a Comfort Kit for Your Child: Grades TK-5

Pack a Comfort Kit

Dear Families,

SCVi is committed to the safety and well-being of each child we serve. As part of that commitment, our staff is prepared for emergencies requiring us to shelter in place. While we sincerely hope to never encounter such a situation, we believe in the importance of proactive preparedness. In the event of an extended shelter in place, we would like our learners to have as much comfort from home as possible. For this reason, we’re inviting parents and caregivers of learners in TK-5th grade to send comfort kits to the school for their children.

Below is guidance as you prepare your child’s comfort kit:

  1. All items must fit into no more than a two-gallon Ziploc bag. Your child’s name and facilitator’s name should be clearly labeled on the outside.
  2. Include a 3×5 note card. On the front of the card, write your child’s full name. On the back of the card, write your child’s emergency contact information and, if applicable, any food allergies or required medications for your child.
  3. Keep in mind that this is a comfort kit, not a survival kit. Suggested contents may include (but are not limited to) the following:
    • Encouraging note from home
    • Family picture
    • Change of clothes
    • Small toy or game
    • Fleece blanket
  4. Please no perishable items or batteries.
  5. Our intention is to return these kits at the end of the year, but please do not send valuables.

The list above is only a suggestion. Please include items that you know will reduce anxiety and bring comfort to your child. Thank you for your partnership as we work together to ensure your child’s safety and well-being.


Chad Powell, School Director
Martha Spansel-Pellico, School Director
Alan Kingsley, Assistant School Director

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