SCVi, iLEAD's Founding School

Self Defense Class Led by John Maclay

a male hands on the black background

9th – 12th Grade
First meeting was Tuesday, April 10
7 – 9 p.m.
Room 215

This is a six-week, 12-hour course, during which the following scenarios and subjects will be covered:

As we move through the course, this information and its use will be presented while being discussed through the lens of various situations and scenarios students may find themselves in.

In addition, we can also discuss and/or train for rarer yet still possible scenarios such as active shooter and political riots/demonstrations and athletic riots.

Parents are encouraged to take this class with their learners but it is not mandatory; an informational meeting on the first class date will be held and parents do need to be present for that. 

Class size is LIMITED so please reach out to Renee Bowen to reserve your spot. The class is ideal for upper school learners and their families, but if you and your lower school learner are interested, please reach out to us.

Total for course is $240 with half due to reserve and secure your spot.

For more information, please contact

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