SCVi, iLEAD's Founding School

Senior Defense Evaluators Needed

SCVi Senior Defense Evaluators

Calling All iLEAD, SCVi, and Santa Clarita Community Members:

One of iLEAD-SCVi’s unique and worthwhile milestones for graduates is the Senior Defense Presentation. Our seniors are asked to process and present their answers to the following driving question: How prepared am I to move to the next level of life? (To learn more about this project, feel free to take a look at the Senior Defense Project Guide.) 

Prior to iLEAD-SCVi going online, the seniors completed all but the last stage of the defense, choosing one project that showcases what they’ve learned through their years at SCVi and how they will use what they’ve learned in the future.

Evaluators are needed for SCVi’s Class of 2020 Senior Defense Presentations during the Week of May 18-22 and on June 1, 2020.

We are encouraging Parents/Guardians and community members to sign up as well. Please consider being a part of this awesome tradition! It’s life changing to participate!

Please sign up here if you’re interested in participating. 

Your commitment would entail one 90-minute slot and the training session. We will have an hour-long Zoom meeting on Thursday, May 14, at 2:00 p.m. We will send the meeting # with the confirmation email.

Thank you for your consideration. Questions? Email

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