SCVi, iLEAD's Founding School

Playwork Recess

Dear Parents,

As a school that values social and emotional development, voice and choice, and the cognitive development of all of our learners, we are very excited to announce that we have decided to restructure our playground approach. SCVi and iLEAD Schools have teamed up with SCV Adventure Play to professionally assist our CARE Team and facilitators on restructuring our playground time. SCV Adventure Play and Pop-Up Adventure Play from the UK are professionals in the field of Playwork. Playwork is a UK-based professional practice which grew from the post-WW2 adventure playground movement. Playwork is a common practice in Europe and is now becoming significant in the United States. Erica and Jeremiah Dockray from SCV Adventure Play are located in Castaic. This team, in collaboration with Andy Hinchcliffe, a representative from the UK, have given us an insight into some of the theory behind Playwork, as part of our vision to develop adventurous play opportunities throughout the school year.

Unscripted and open-ended play is essential for the development of physical skills, cognitive development, and growth, both socially and emotionally. There is extensive research that demonstrates the vital importance of play for well-being and development. With many children going home after school to play on technology or attending extracurricular classes and organized sports, the process of play and its significant benefits are lost. Our goal is to provide an environment in which our learners can create and destroy, explore, problem-solve, take self-regulated risks, build community, feel accomplishment, support and help others, and grow to become independent and self-reliant. We strive for our learners to learn more about themselves and others on the widest scope possible.

During recess and lunch, our playground will look engaging, messy, a little chaotic and fun. Play is a process and not a product, therefore time outside will look different each day, and will be directed by the learners with support from our staff. Our Play Shed houses a variety of loose parts ranging from fabric, cardboard boxes, recyclables, and other random items to foster innovation and creativity while building and having fun! There will be areas where the learners can construct, deconstruct, climb, and create. Parts of the hill will be open for our 2nd-8th grade learners to explore as well. In addition, we will have an Arts Shed filled with a variety of medium where the learners can tap into their inner artist.

Being one of the pioneer schools in California that will adopt the Playwork approach as part of its recess program, we are documenting on film and collecting specific data over the remainder of the year. We will be working alongside SCV Adventure Play as the data is processed.

We need your help to ensure that this valuable activity continues. Please bring us your recyclables, cardboard boxes, cardboard tubes, old phones, fabric, random items, and lots and lots of duct tape. In addition, we need bottle caps, string, flour, salt, clear gelatin, food coloring, and natural items such as pinecones, tree pucks, etc… for our Art Shed.

Our learners had a taste of Playwork these past few days and we have already noticed significant differences in teamwork, listening skills in the classroom, fewer conflict, and tons of excitement. Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please let your child’s facilitator know.

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