Monday message 04.12.2021

SCVi learners ride trikes

Dear SCVi Families.

Starting this week, we will be asking all returning families to complete your re-registration forms for the 2021-22 school year. This will require several steps, and we’ll be sending you timely information for each step of the process.

The “Why” of Re-Registration

One of the primary purposes of the re-registration process is to ensure your child’s safety. We’ll be collecting emergency contact info, including phone numbers and email addresses, as well as information about your learner’s particular health needs that we may need to be aware of. We will also request signatures for forms that must be updated yearly, such as permission for your learner to use technology and address verification.

This week in your email you will receive a link to re-register for the 2021-22 school year. If you have completed the Intent to Return and have committed to your spot for the 2021-22 school year, please view the video below demonstrating how to complete the re-registration. We request that you complete this re-registration as soon as possible to assist our staff with this process.

Also in July, when the document becomes available, we will be asking all families to complete the School Nutrition Programs Forms, which help us to provide lunches and receive funding for our school. Please be on the lookout for these coming in July.

Thank you for your prompt attention to our upcoming requests as we complete re-registration for our exciting school year of 2021-2022!

If you need support, please email and we are happy to assist you.

Thank you,

The SCVi Team

If you are not returning for the 2021-22 school year, you may disregard this message.

Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Thur., 2/13: SCVi Virtual Information Session, 5:30-7:00 PM. RSVP

Mon., 2/17: Presidents’ Day – No School 

Fri., 3/14: Learner Free Day

Fri., 3/21: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Academic Calendar

Bell Schedule

Campus tours are available by appointment. RSVP

Cohen NASA presents

NASA’s Dr. Jacob Cohen Presents: The Hazards of Space Travel

April 19, 4:00-5:00 PM PT Join NASA Ames Chief Scientist Dr. Jacob Cohen and his team to learn about The Hazards of Space Travel.Read More

Social Emotional Learning

SCVi Charter School Culture: Social-Emotional Learning

In our approach to education at SCVi Charter School, we emphasize methods that foster learners’ social-emotional learning. Social-emotional learning is the process through whichRead More

iLEAD Santa Clarita Dreamup to Space

Family & Friends Virtual Paint Night to Benefit DreamUp Launch Teams

Wednesday, April 21 5:30 PM PT Benefiting our current DreamUp to Space Launch Teams from across the network, who are preparing for the spring launchRead More

iLEAD Santa Clarita

Raising Humans in the Digital Age: Summer and Technology

Come spend an hour discussing the topic of technology use as we prepare for summer break. Using research, we’ll discuss easy-to-implement strategies that promoteRead More

DreamUp to Space Team

Register for Our Next Virtual DreamUp to Space Mission!

Registration is open for our next DreamUp to Space Mission! SCVi learners in grades 5-12, you are invited to participate in iLEAD Student AerospaceRead More

SCVi Food Drive

Food Drive for SCV Food Pantry!

SCVi’s class of 2021 is hosting a food drive for SCV Food Pantry! Please stop by Wednesday, April 14, from 8:00 AM-12:30 PM toRead More

Griffin Loch SCVi Charter School filmmaker

Calling All Artists: Enter a Movie Poster Design Contest!

Calling all our creative artists in grades 6-12! Griffin Loch, a talented young filmmaker and 2020 SCVi grad, invites you to participate in aRead More

SCVi Theatre Arts logo

SCVi Youth Theatre Prepares for 4th-8th Grade Theatre Production

SCVi Youth Theatre is currently preparing for our upcoming 4th-8th grade theatre production! Auditions and rehearsals for William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream beganRead More

Graduate mortarboards tossed into the sky

College Acceptances & Scholarships Roll in for SCVi’s Class of 2021!

Congratulations, Class of 2021! 172 Applications Completed to 104 Different Colleges American University of Paris – Eva Tayag, Joanna Wong (Global Citizenship Scholarship) ArizonaRead More

desk, laptop, backpack, SCVi Charter School logo

Important Note: Attendance Reminder

Just a quick reminder for all our SCVi families regarding attendance. This 2020-2021 school year we began using ParentSquare to notify families when aRead More


Together Tuesdays: Share Your Photos and Stories!

Greetings, iLEAD community, Every other week, a new Together Tuesday video features photos of families, learners, and staff throughout the iLEAD nation. We’d love to seeRead More

woman on laptop with credit card

Raise Funds for SCVi Charter School While You Shop!

Don’t forget to support SCVi where you’re already shopping! Click the button below to select Scarlet Foundation as your charity for Amazon Smile, andRead More

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