Monday message 02.10.2020

Dear SCVi learners and families,

We have missed so many of you during this horrible flu season. We hope you’re all well and now feeling healthy!

If you didn’t have the opportunity to tune in to the first of our latest series on SCVi’s Our Way on the Highway radio show, this week we discussed the first of the 7 Habits: Be Proactive. The flu season is an excellent opportunity to practice this habit by taking care of ourselves: getting plenty of rest, eating well, and washing our hands often.

This week at school, the Power of One antibullying presentation was a great success. The speakers used a lot of silly humor and role-play to discuss a serious concern. The lower school learners were challenged to describe the difference between being a “bystander” and an “upstander.” Another opportunity to practice being proactive!

If you’d like to catch our radio series and listen to how we implement the 7 Habits here at school from both our learners and facilitators, it airs the first Friday of every month at 9:00 a.m. on KHTS FM 98.1 and streams live on Facebook.

This week in honor of Valentine’s Day,

We encourage everyone to find a way, 

To commit random acts of kindness.

Something you do, something you say,

You can do it any which way,

Just commit random acts of kindness.

Yours truly,

The SCVi Leadership Team
Mrs. Padovich, Dr. B, Ms. Roffredo, Mrs. Toval

Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Thur., 2/13: SCVi Virtual Information Session, 5:30-7:00 PM. RSVP

Mon., 2/17: Presidents’ Day – No School 

Fri., 3/14: Learner Free Day

Fri., 3/21: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Academic Calendar

Bell Schedule

Campus tours are available by appointment. RSVP

Exploring SCVi Charter School Culture: Habit 4 of the 7 Habits

Editor’s Note: This is one in a series of articles on the pillars of SCVi Charter School’s educational philosophy and approach.  “In the longRead More

SCVi Re-Enroll

Currently Enrolled Families, Save Your Seat for 2020-21!

It’s time to re-enroll! Currently enrolled SCVi families: Be sure to re-enroll today to reserve your spot for 2020-21! All re-enrollments must be received by February 21,Read More

SCVi Glider Program

Glider Program on Campus This Tuesday

As part of iLEAD Student Aerospace Projects, SCVi learners will get an up-close look at the gliders that are part of our aerospace education,Read More

Calendar Clarification: Wednesday, February 19, Is a Full School Day

It has been brought to our attention that an academic calendar has been circulating that shows we have a minimum day on February 19.Read More

SCVi Wellness Committee Initial Meeting February 11 at 8:30 a.m. – All Are Welcome!

Please join us for our first SCVi Wellness Committee meeting. This committee will be made up of staff, family members of our learners, asRead More

California Pizza Kitchen Fundraiser – Tuesday, February 11

Please bring the flyer below to California Pizza Kitchen located at 24061 Newhall Ranch Road, Valencia, anytime on Tuesday, February 11, and they willRead More

iSUPPORT News – Next Meeting February 11 at 9:00 a.m.

Hope this note finds you well! The following are a few reminders/updates: NEXT iSUPPORT MEETING: Our next iSUPPORT Meeting will be held on Tuesday,Read More

Al Bowers

Al Bowers, Former Chief Scientist, NASA Armstrong to Present to SCVi 8th Graders Wednesday

February 12, 9:00 a.m., 8th grade space at SCVi Al Bowers, Former Chief Scientist, NASA Armstrong will present to and interact with learners regarding PRANDTLRead More

SCVi Hockey Fundraiser

LA Kings Charter School Night Fundraiser February 20, 7:30 p.m.

Come out and show your SCVi Pride, have fun, and raise funds for our school! SCARLET Foundation is proud to offer tickets to theRead More

Adin Kurik soccer

Congrats to SCVi’s Adin Kuric – MaxPreps/United Soccer Coaches High School Player of the Week!

Adin Kuric of SCVi was honored as player of the week by MaxPreps/United Soccer Coaches. Adin scored nine goals and had four assists duringRead More

City of Santa Clarita Youth Arts Showcase

City of Santa Clarita Youth Arts Showcase Saturday, March 21, 2020, 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 5th Annual Youth Art Month Celebration    WantRead More

Learner Spotlight: SCVi Exploration’s Own Jax Malcolm

By Michael Niehoff Education Content Coordinator, iLEAD Schools In the professional world, there is often a common means of establishing someone’s presence in anyRead More

Safety Alert: Drop-off and Pickup Procedures

Dear SCVi Families, We are concerned for the safety of all of our learners during daily drop-off and especially pickup at valet. We askRead More

iLEAD Student Aerospace Projects

SCVi 5th & 6th Graders DreamUp Launch Team Prepare to Send Experiment to Space

On Saturday, February 1, a small group of 5th and 6th graders from SCVi gathered just north of Santa Barbara, California, to collect specimensRead More

iSupport T-Shirt

SCVi iSUPPORT T-Shirts Now Available for Sale!

Order your iSUPPORT T-shirt today! PLACE YOUR ORDER   Please note: the form will enable you to place your order, but payments cannot beRead More

SCVi Yearbook

Order Your Upper School Yearbook Today!

Don’t miss out! Reserve your copy of the 2019-20 Upper School Yearbook today!  Click here to order. (School Code: 1013809107491845)

Simple Stress-Free Ways to Support SCVi

We have an easy ask of you. Support SCVi with ease by signing up for passive fundraising that makes a big impact with littleRead More

SCVi Soccer

The Signal: SCVi boys soccer clinches Omega League’s No. 3 seed

The SCVi boys soccer team defeated Pilgrim 4-3 in an Omega League tie-breaker game on Wednesday, February 5. Catch the story at The SignalRead More

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