Monday message 02.08.2021

SCVi Charter School

Dear learners and families,

This week, we ask you to join us and take a moment to memorialize Mrs. Fanny J. Coppin (1837-1913), whom we honor because in 1869 she became the first Black woman to hold the position of school principal in the United States. It’s incredibly inspiring to pause and consider how Mrs. Coppin, born enslaved, committed herself to her education and, as a free woman, devoted her life to providing education for others. She exemplified the words “Free to Think, Inspired to Lead.”

We encourage you to find two striking similarities between her school programs and that embedded within our school program:

Coppin State University: Fanny Jackson Coppin Biography

Philly’s 7th Ward: Francis M. Jackson Coppin, Black Educator Hall of Fame

We honor and thank Mrs. Fanny J. Coppin for her inspiration to lead.

Yours in unity,

The SCVi Leadership Team
Nicole Padovich, Director, Upper School and Operations
Nessa Roffredo, Director, Lower School
Tina Toval, Leadership Resident

Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Thur., 2/13: SCVi Virtual Information Session, 5:30-7:00 PM. RSVP

Mon., 2/17: Presidents’ Day – No School 

Fri., 3/14: Learner Free Day

Fri., 3/21: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Academic Calendar

Bell Schedule

Campus tours are available by appointment. RSVP

Virtual Introduction to SCVi

Join Us for a Virtual Introduction to SCVi!

Learn about SCVi, a TUITION-FREE TK-12 Public Charter School, on one of the following dates:   Wednesday, February 24 – 5:00 PM (TK-8th) Wednesday,Read More

SCVi SmartTrack College Funding

SMARTTRACK® College Funding High School Initiative

The SMARTTRACK® College Funding High School Initiative provides SCVi Charter School families with free resources to help you plan ahead and pay less forRead More

Graduate mortarboards tossed into the sky

College Acceptances Are Rolling in for SCVi’s Class of 2021!

Congratulations, Class of 2021! 157 applications completed to 90 different colleges! American University of Paris – Eva Tayag Arizona State University – Sarah GrossingerRead More

SCVi Charter School learners

Exploring SCVi Charter School Culture: Habit 1 of the 7 Habits

Last week, we introduced a vital element of SCVi Charter School’s approach to education — The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Learning andRead More

College Fair

College Corner: College Expo & Scholarship Opportunities

Virtual California Black College Expo – February 19-20, 2021 The Virtual California Black College Expo is a two-day ONLINE experience for you to accessRead More

desk, laptop, backpack, SCVi Charter School logo

Important Note: Attendance Reminder

Just a quick reminder for all our SCVi families regarding attendance. This 2020-2021 school year we began using ParentSquare to notify families when aRead More

SCVi Charter School Re-enroll Today

Current Families, It’s Time to Re-enroll!

Hello, currently enrolled SCVi, SCVi Exploration, and Innovation Studios families! Be sure to click the link below by March 12, 2021, to reserve yourRead More

SCVi Kindergarten

Catch a Rising Star! Virtual Info Meeting for Grades TK/K-1

Catch A Rising Star! Join us Friday, March 5, at 6 PM for our Virtual Info Meeting for families interested in our TK/K-1 program! Read More

SCVi Lunch Bunch

Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Children

We are excited to provide free meals through the Summer Seamless Program. We are serving meals to all children up to 18 years ofRead More

SCVi Online Schedule Spring

SCVi Upper School Spring 2021 Distance Learning Schedule

For the spring semester while we’re in distance learning, classes are held in a block schedule. Instead of meeting in cohorts, all learners willRead More

Please note, notebook, pen

Spring Semester Holidays Observed/Monday Instruction

Because there are several holidays that fall on Monday this semester, we want to be sure to provide all learners with the instruction thatRead More

Virtual Introduction to SCVi

Now Enrolling in Select Grades!

We have limited space available in select grades for this school year. ENROLL NOW Do you know someone who would love SCVi? Please helpRead More

Together Tuesdays: Share Your Photos and Stories!

Greetings, iLEAD community, Every other week, a new Together Tuesday video features photos of families, learners, and staff throughout the iLEAD nation. We’d love to seeRead More

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