
Innovation Studios Middle School Information Night

What is iLEAD Innovation Studios Middle School?

Information Meetings: 

When: May 16 @ 6:30 p.m. 

Where: Innovation Studios

Innovation Studios Middle School Program

As we continue to improve our middle school experience, we recognize the need to meet the needs of several of our learners on a deeper level. We have assembled a team to work with a group of learners who are ready to be challenged and to guide them into achieving a level of deep engagement, independence and ownership of their learning. With facilitator connection, clear expectations, accountability and exciting projects that will inspire and challenge our learners, we believe this pilot program will immensely benefit your learner.

Nuts and Bolts

●  Onsite, personalized learning (this is NOT homeschool!)

●  Credentialed facilitators dedicated to Innovation Studios Middle School available

onsite on all school days

●  Flexibility to find learning opportunities in the community and connect with the world

●  Join any class that is being offered onsite (learner will work with their facilitator on their


●  Workshops inspired by learner interests and passions and guided by facilitators

●  Project-based learning with peers, and/or work independently

●  Advisory

●  Regular check-ins for progress, setting goals, and identifying needs and interest

●  Opportunities for leadership roles

●  iLEAD Online Middle School PBL courses built and facilitated by iLEAD facilitators

(Course Catalog with a growing list of offerings: Click here)

●  Skills that will prepare them for high school and beyond such as time management, planning, being self-directed, 7 Habits, advocating for self and others, creating/defining their workspace, perseverance, grit, navigating successfully through academic rigor, etc.

Sometimes when a learner says they want more work, what they are really saying is that they want more engagement and challenge. Some see a lack focus or disinterest as a need to make a learner “buckle down.” We see a learner who is not connected to their passion and curiosity in a deep, relative way.