
SCVi High School Updates

SCVi photo shoot Fall 2023 learner and college counselor (4)

We are happy to share several updates regarding our high school program, including our Aerospace CCL Pathway and our English, PE, theater, and elective classes.

Aerospace Career-Connected Learning Pathway

As many of you are aware, SCVi was recently awarded the K12 Strong Workforce Program Grant, allowing us to expand STEAM learning at SCVi by developing our aerospace career-connected learning pathway. Aerospace Facilitator Lead Justin Albright has been instrumental in developing the curriculum to launch this pathway and will continue to collaborate with Daniel Prasch, our upper school science facilitator, who will spearhead this program as we move forward, preparing our learners for opportunities in this high-demand field. Justin, who has accepted a position in the aerospace industry, will continue to work with our team and remain close to the project as a member of the school’s Aerospace Advisory Council as this program takes flight.


We hope you’ll join us in giving a warm SCVi welcome to three exceptional English educators who will begin their new roles at SCVi starting on Monday, September 23. Hannah Duran will facilitate English 9, and Lindsay Martinez will facilitate English 10 and 11. In addition, our very own School Director Martha Spansel-Pellico, a highly qualified English educator with extensive experience, will facilitate English 12 IB. Martha is excited to share her passion for the subject with our learners while continuing in her role as codirector.


As previously communicated, we have made a change to our physical education programming. We are pleased to provide our regularly scheduled PE courses, now through an independent study model. Under the supervision of Matt Wayne, learners will continue to access high-quality instruction and equipment for a successful PE experience. On Monday, September 23, learners will report to Mr. Wayne at 7th period for direction with their PE course. 


Under Amy Ciceri’s leadership, the theater program, for which SCVi has become well known, will continue to grow. Our team is exploring an exciting new opportunity through a partnership with College of the Canyons to offer a greater variety of rigorous theater options to our learners.


If your child is interested in even more A-G-approved elective options, SCVi offers a significant number of courses through the Edmentum platform, such as fashion design, music appreciation, visual arts, digital and interactive media, graphic design, and cybersecurity, to name a few. Please reach out to Ms. Nilsen for assistance if your learner would like to learn more about these options and sign up. 

As always, if you or your child have any questions regarding any of these opportunities, please feel free to reach out to Counselor Kris Nilsen at kris.nilsen@scvi-k12.org or to Directors Chad Powell and Martha Spansel-Pellico at leadership@scvi-k12.org.