
We Need to Talk – Grade-Level Parents – Ways to Stay Informed!

Here at SCVi, we know everyone values communication. We’ve created a new way to get specific grade-level information to you as quickly and efficiently as possible. We’ve listened to your requests, and we’re implementing a new parent volunteer role of  Grade-Level Parent liaisons, or “GLPs.” 

Your GLPs will send emails throughout the year regarding information that pertains to your grade levels as well as school events.  This will be important information that’s already included in your facilitator’s weekly updates. While our facilitators communicate what’s going on inside the classroom academically, our GLPs will keep you informed of events happening in the classroom, throughout the grade level, and in our school community.

If you’re interested in receiving all information, we’ll need your permission to share your email address with the GLP to create a class roster. Please note: your email address will be used solely for information relating to SCVi.

Please grant us permission to share your email address with your child’s GLP.

We hope you’ll participate to receive pertinent grade-level information.

Please opt in by completing this GLP Form.

If you have any questions, please contact Anita Kornick at anita.kornick@gmail.com or Errin Goeres at eron79@gmail.com.