
6th Grade’s Meet the Author POL and Fundraiser!

On June 13, the night of 6th Grade’s Meet the Authors Showcase at Barnes and Noble, Middle School will be having a fundraiser right next door at Baja Fresh! What’s better than dinner in the same parking lot? Present this flier anywhere between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. with the purchase of your meal and that money will benefit our kids at SCVi!

Barnes and Noble will be featuring a showcase of SCVi’s 6th Grade story writing! Here, learners will be presenting their stories created for their Storybird Project. For their projects, learners had to compose a short story using Storybird.com that demonstrates the five elements of a story (plot, character, conflict, theme, setting) and incorporates at least two of the following literary elements: foreshadowing, flashback, symbolism, or irony. At the Meet the Author event, some learners will be reading an excerpt from their short story. They will also be presenting the writing process they had to go through in order to get to the end of the project goal: a story book.

That day, Barnes and Noble will also be hosting an SCVi Book Fair that will serve as a fundraiser for our school! The book fair will be selling grade level novel studies needed for the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year (4th-8th grade) as well as food and beverages from their coffee shop. Featured at their coffee shop will be a 6th grader’s winning drink for a Frappuccino contest done for this event! Although 6th grade’s Meet the Author POL showcase will only be between 5 p.m. & 8 p.m., the fundraiser will take place all day. Upon any purchase on June 13, please present our SCVi Book Fair flier so a percentage of the proceeds will come back to our school.

We hope to see you there!

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