
SCVi Seniors Rule

Santa Clarita Valley International (SCVi) Charter School seniors pose holding colorful flags of colleges they will attend after graduation.

Being a senior in high school is both exhilarating and terrifying. You’re almost free…to direct the rest of your life? See what we mean? Not to worry. At Santa Clarita Valley International (SCVi) Charter School, a tuition-free TK-12th grade public school in Castaic, California, we are here to prepare you for what’s next, pump you up, and celebrate your accomplishments – all year long.

Senior Living

By the time you’re a senior at our small TK-12 grade school, you are prepared with a wealth of project-based learning, rigorous academics, leadership skills, and social confidence. Sometimes it’s easy to overlook just how far you’ve come and that’s part of the reason we have our Senior Portfolio presentation. During this culmination of their academic career, seniors present to a panel a reflection of what they’re learned during their time at SCVi and why they should graduate from high school. The panel of adults includes staff, parents, and community members. It is a great way for our seniors to end their high school career before heading out into the world.

Could this seem overwhelming? Maybe, if learners didn’t have exposure giving presentations regularly like they do at SCVi. With our focus on PBL, the emphasis is on the process, not necessarily the project. Learners have practice succeeding, failing, learning from both and moving ahead. As part of the PBL process, learners create and share Presentations of Learning (POL). The POL showcases their achievement and growth through the completion of the project. At the end of every year we also hold Showcases of Learning where learners (and their facilitators!) reflect on their achievements and growth toward goals they set at the beginning of school. 

Senior VIP Citizens

We are serious about preparing you for your future at SCVi. Our modern approach to education prepares you from day one whether you start here in kindergarten or in high school. In high school, our dedicated counselor helps you navigate your college and career choices, led by this approach: “How can I make a choice that is the ‘right fit’ for my passions and future?” There is no one-size-fits-all at our innovative school! 

When you’re a senior, we help you fine-tune your choices and make sure you are prepared for what you need, whether that’s searching for scholarships or taking college-prep tests. Our senior advisor even proctors the SAT so our learners can take the test in the comfort of our school. Less stress for your best!

Santa Clarita Valley International (SCVi) Charter School teacher sits at a round table talking with four students.

We teach the A-G college entrance requirement courses at our WASC-accredited school so all of our graduates are prepared to enter the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems. You graduate with (free!) college credits given dual enrollment with College of the Canyons to give you a head start to your future. 

Not sure if college is in your future? We’re here to help with entrepreneurial, military and other career opportunities too. We offer an International Baccalaureate (IB) Career-Related Programme to provide learners with both an academic and practical foundation to support future goals whether you decide to continue on to higher education or enter the workforce.

And new for the 2024-25 school year is our Aerospace Learning Pathway, which integrates learning about aviation with career opportunities, especially right here in our local community.

Senior Moments

SCVi Senior Clapout 2024 6.2024

Graduation isn’t the only celebration during your senior year at our small, connected tuition-free school. We start celebrating at the end of your junior year when our 11th graders are crowned as seniors to fill in the gap left after we clap out that year’s seniors. We also celebrate by:

– Senior Sunrise: get up early with the rest of your class and greet the beginning of the school year together

– Senior Signing Day: celebrate what you’re doing after you graduate

– Senior Retreat: a daylong reflection with team-collaboration activities that ends with…yep, a sunset

– Prom

– Graduation Breakfast with alumni

– Graduation Clap Out

– Graduation “Shout Out”: while walking to get your diploma, a video all about your fabulous self is projected

– Graduation Party

Find out more about senior year and ALL of our grades at our dynamic tuition-free TK-12 grade school and enroll today!


About SCVi:

Santa Clarita Valley International School (SCVi) is a free public charter school empowering TK-12th graders to become conscientious, compassionate, and responsible citizens of the world. We use project-based and social-emotional learning concepts to inspire and motivate lifelong learners with the skills they need to lead in the 21st century. We incorporate technology into every component of our curriculum, and we value and encourage development of leadership skills by inspiring confidence and character in each of our unique learners. Join our innovative school today!