Monday message 10.26.2020

SCVi Halloween

Dear learners and families,

As the world around us continues to be in flux, we are very fortunate to have you as part of our school community rallying with all of our dedicated staff to provide learners with the love, structure, and support to continue learning and growing together. 

This week we are excited to share that learners will be participating in a social-emotional learning (SEL) survey. This survey will help us measure and understand social-emotional learning to determine our learners’ strengths and opportunities for growth. Learners have participated in this survey at school in years past, but we are very excited to announce that this is the first year we will take this survey again at the end of the year, enabling our school to not only measure SEL growth over the year but get nationally normed comparisons. For more information about this Panorama survey, click here. Please look for more information from your learner’s classroom facilitator, as many grades will be completing this survey during Morning Meeting and Advisory or reaching out to you for more support with our younger learners.

While we would, of course, love to be able to bring everyone together for our annual Fall Festival for fun-filled family activities on campus, we do have some incredible activities to bring the fun into our Zoom rooms and your living rooms!  The Upper School Advisory Council Ambassadors hope to lift spirits, no pun intended, this week with our Virtual Spirit Week for learners to participate in during class time, and our Scarlet Foundation has also put together an incredible Fall Festival Digital Download Book to keep the spirits alive, so beware!

With gratitude,

The SCVi Leadership Team
Nicole Padovich, Director, Upper School and Operation
Nessa Roffredo, Director, Lower School
Tina Toval, Leadership Resident

Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Thur., 2/13: SCVi Virtual Information Session, 5:30-7:00 PM. RSVP

Mon., 2/17: Presidents’ Day – No School 

Fri., 3/14: Learner Free Day

Fri., 3/21: 2025-26 Enrollment Lottery Application Deadline. Apply

Mon., 3/31-Mon., 4/7: Spring Break

Academic Calendar

Bell Schedule

Campus tours are available by appointment. RSVP

SCVi Monster Mash Spirit Week

Spooktacular #SCViACAMonsterMash Spirit Week

The Upper School Advisory Council Ambassadors have planned a Spooktacular #SCViACAMonsterMash Spirit Week October 26-30. Click below for guidelines: TK-8th 9th-12th

SCVi English Learner Updates

English Learner Updates Newsletters from California Dept. of Education

Click below for newsletters with the latest information and resources regarding English learner education and distance learning from the California Department of Education EnglishRead More

SCVi Fall Festival

Fall Festival Digital Download Book

Hello, SCVi Families!   In lieu of an in-person Fall Festival, the Scarlet Foundation is proud to be able to bring you a 56-pageRead More

Scarlet Foundation

Scarlet Foundation: Shop Your Heart Out Event

Scarlet Foundation has partnered with Westfield on their Shop Your Heart Out event running October 23 through November 1. This 10-day community program offers guestsRead More

SCVi Earthquake Preparedness

Prepare Your Family for Earthquakes with These Resources

Dear SCVi families,  Everyone, everywhere, should know how to protect themselves during earthquakes. Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills are annual opportunities to learn and practiceRead More

SCVi, charter school in Santa Clarita

New Date and Location for Senior Portraits

Senior Class Portraits rescheduled to November 5-6. Please schedule an appointment and order your cap & gown by this Thursday, October 15. For theRead More

Mental Health Resources SCVi

Free Mental Health Resources for Teens and Families

Being a teen has never been easy. And with all that’s going on in the world today, the teen years have become more difficultRead More

iCREATE Child Care Santa Clarita

iCREATE: Child Care for Grades K-7 During Distance Learning

Our iCREATE After-School Program has transitioned into a full day care option for school-aged kids who need a place to be while participating inRead More

SCVi Theatre Arts logo

SCVi Theatre Arts for Grades 4-8 Returns!

“We’re a special kind of people known as show people! We live in a world of our own!” — Curtains SCVi Theatre Arts isRead More

SCVi Charter School

SCVi Charter School Culture: Components of Social-Emotional Learning — Optimism

Social-emotional learning (SEL) is one of the core elements of the SCVi Charter School approach to education. Through social-emotional learning, learners understand and manageRead More

Distance Learning Virtual Safety

Webinars: Virtual Safety During Distance Learning

Now more than ever learners are at home alone for hours on end working tirelessly behind a screen. During this time, they have unlimitedRead More

Graduate mortarboards tossed into the sky

How SCVi Charter School in Santa Clarita Is Adapting to Help Students through Senior Year

Cheryl Sena, an English facilitator and the senior coordinator at SCVi Charter School in Santa Clarita, has been working throughout the year to adaptRead More

iLEAD Santa Clarita

Community Event: Girls with Dreams Become Women with Vision

Powerful speakers. Interactive sessions. Virtual workshops and concerts. October 1-31, 2020  Ages 11-18 Free Event The Girls Empowerment Conference is an annual tradition thatRead More

SCVi Charter School

Get in on the Fun: Share Your Videos for SCVi’s Fall Family Fun Challenge!

Dear SCVi families, As we get into the rhythm of distance learning, one of the highlights for us as a team is viewing ourRead More

Together Tuesdays: Share Your Photos and Stories!

Greetings, iLEAD community, Last spring, when the COVID-19 pandemic forced our learning community to physically distance, we launched a weekly campaign with the goalRead More

Upcoming Events SCVi

Upcoming Events

Click here for the academic calendar.  October 26-30: Spooktacular #SCViACAMonsterMash Spirit Week November 11: Veterans Day – No School  

Virtual Introduction to SCVi

Now Enrolling in Select Grades!

We still have very limited space available in the following grade levels: Kindergarten 1st Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 12th Grade ENROLL NOW  Read More

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