Monday message 02.24.2020

Dear Learners and Families,

Presentations of Learning, or POLs, have been happening around campus weekly throughout the month of February! If you didn’t catch it, this past week our Upper School learners took the stage at our own Shakespeare Theater for Get Lit! on Wednesday evening in true poetry slam fashion with the lights dimmed and candlelit tables. Presentations of Learning are the culminating event that takes place as a project comes to a close. Learners are encouraged to share what they have learned throughout their project with the public, whether it be the school community or experts in their field of study. In this POL, learners are provided the opportunity to take the stage to share a classic poem and their own poetry writing in response to their classic of choice.

Rather than direct her learners to memorize specific classics, after studying poetry together with them, Mrs. Jodi Blinn, one of our Upper School English facilitators, encourages her learners to express themselves giving them the voice and choice to choose their own classic poem that they identify with the most. Learners also have the voice and choice to contribute their poems in a variety of other mediums, including paintings, drawings, and illustrations.

Please keep an eye out for future POLs listed here in the Monday Message in the Upcoming Events section. POLs are also noted on our Community Calendar. Attending POLs in different grade levels is an excellent way for you and your children to learn more about the scope and sequence of study as well as the facilitators throughout the different grade levels within our school program.

We hope to see you at the next POL!

SCVi Leadership Team
Mrs. Padovich, Dr. B, Ms. Roffredo, Mrs. Toval

Upcoming Events

calendar, post-it notes

Thur., 10/31: Minimum Day All Grades

Fri., 11/1: Learner Free Day

Mon., 11/11: Veterans Day – No School

Mon.-Fri., 11/25-29: Fall Break

Academic Calendar

Bell Schedule

Campus tours are available by appointment. RSVP.

SCVi Theatre Arts Team Wins Accolades at Chapman University Henry Kemp-Blaire Shakespeare Festival

Our Theatre Arts team presented a scene at the Chapman University Henry Kemp-Blaire Shakespeare Festival. Congrats to Samantha Pearce, who won an Excellent inRead More

Exploring SCVi Charter School Culture: Habit 5 of the 7 Habits

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William S. Hart Union High School District Presents: ‘Digitally Distracted: Parenting in the Age of Technology’

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Scarlet Foundation

Scarlet: Your Fundraising Dollars at Work!

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ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee) Monthly Meeting February 24 – All Are Welcome!

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Step It Up Returns!

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POSTPONED: We Hope You’ll Join Us for Math Night!

Updated March 10, 2020: Math Night has been postponed. We will announce the new date at a later time. Join us for a funRead More

SCVi bus learners

Bus Transportation to SCVi at Free or Reduced Rates!

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9th Grade – Big Bear Overnight Trip

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Calling All Artists!

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City of Santa Clarita Youth Arts Showcase

City of Santa Clarita Youth Arts Showcase Saturday, March 21, 2020, 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 5th Annual Youth Art Month Celebration    WantRead More

iSupport T-Shirt

SCVi iSUPPORT T-Shirts Now Available for Sale!

Order your iSUPPORT T-shirt today! PLACE YOUR ORDER   Please note: the form will enable you to place your order, but payments cannot beRead More

Safety Alert: Drop-off and Pickup Procedures

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Simple Stress-Free Ways to Support SCVi

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SCVi Yearbook

Order Your Upper School Yearbook Today!

Don’t miss out! Reserve your copy of the 2019-20 Upper School Yearbook today!  Click here to order. (School Code: 1013809107491845)

Camp Kahili

Summer Camp in Hawaii Now Enrolling!

Aloha! We’re excited to share an incredible learning opportunity for summer break!  Students who will be entering 7th-12th grade in the fall of 2020 areRead More

Aerospace, Film Projects By SCVi Learners Highlighted By Charter School In Santa Clarita

The aerospace and film projects of two SCVi learners were spotlighted by the charter school in Santa Clarita last week on “Eye on theRead More

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