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Category: iLEAD Student Aerospace Projects

SCVi learner Noah Breitstein DreamUp Team Adzuki
Meet a DreamUp to Space Team Member: Noah Breitstein, Team Adzuki

By Grace Stumpf & Raegan Brown DreamUp to Space is a project that challenges young people to understand and explore the impact that microgravityRead More

SCVi learner Michele Mountain DreamUp to Space
Meet a DreamUp to Space Team Member: SCVi 5th Grader Michele Mountain

By Grace Stumpf & Raegan Brown DreamUp to Space is a project that challenges young people to understand and explore the impact that microgravityRead More

SCVi Charter School
SCVi Charter School Culture: Real-World Experiences

Consider this for a moment: What would be an ideal way to learn about flight and all that it involves? Do textbooks, lectures, andRead More

DreamUp to Space Team
Apply to Join a DreamUp to Space Launch Team!

SCVi’s 5th-12th grade learners are invited to apply to join one of two DreamUp to Space Launch Teams, featuring experiments designed by learners atRead More

DreamUp to Space Team
Apply to Join a DreamUp to Space Launch Team!

SCVi’s 5th-12th grade learners are invited to apply to join one of two DreamUp to Space Launch Teams, featuring experiments designed by learners atRead More

iLEAD Dreamup to Space
Register Now for Our Virtual DreamUp to Space Mission!

Registration is open for learners, grades 5-12, for DreamUp to Space Mission 2019-2020! Learn more about iLEAD Student Aerospace Projects here!

Charter School in Santa ClaritaCharter School in Santa Clarita
DreamUp Offers Our Learners an Out-of-This-World Experience

By Michael Niehoff Education Content Coordinator at iLEAD Schools Recently, dozens of learners from various iLEAD schools (iLEAD Lancaster, iLEAD Agua Dulce and iLEAD-SCVi)Read More

Charter School in Santa ClaritaCharter School in Santa Clarita
KHTS Radio: SCVi/iLEAD Learners Launch Science Experiments Into Space, Pilot Glider Planes

Several SCVi/iLEAD schools’ learners piloted glider planes in Llano, California and watched their science experiments launch into space in Florida over the weekend.  AsRead More

charter school in Santa Clarita
DreamUp Team Update

Several SCVi and iLEAD learners spent the weekend in the beautiful state of Florida, but they weren’t vacationing. These hardworking young scientists were participatingRead More

Pardee Homes: Santa Clarita School Fosters Young Filmmakers

“At Aliento, we’re excited about all the things happening in and around our community and we want to share them with you. This February,Read More

Aerospace, Film Projects By SCVi Learners Highlighted By Charter School In Santa Clarita

The aerospace and film projects of two SCVi learners were spotlighted by the charter school in Santa Clarita last week on “Eye on theRead More

SCVi Glider Program
Glider Program on Campus This Tuesday

As part of iLEAD Student Aerospace Projects, SCVi learners will get an up-close look at the gliders that are part of our aerospace education,Read More

iLEAD Student Aerospace Projects
SCVi 5th & 6th Graders DreamUp Launch Team Prepare to Send Experiment to Space

On Saturday, February 1, a small group of 5th and 6th graders from SCVi gathered just north of Santa Barbara, California, to collect specimensRead More

DreamUp Projects Headed to International Space Station

We are thrilled to announce the teams selected for flight in the 2019 DreamUp to Space challenge, representing learners from iLEAD Agua Dulce, iLEADRead More

Countdown to iLEAD Student Aerospace Project Winners Announcement

All of us familiar with aerospace projects know that sometimes things do not go exactly as planned and launches get rescheduled. We have aRead More

iLEAD DreamUp Mission Patches Headed To International Space Station

iLEAD Student Aerospace Projects is pleased to announce the top two selected patches for the DreamUp Mission 2019.  The selection process was very difficult for ourRead More

SCVi Swim Team Makes a Splash

The SCVi swim team competed on Tuesday,  March 12 for the first time in school history. The Stallions swimmers finished in a very impressiveRead More

Congrats, DreamUp Patch Design Finalists!

We are thrilled to announce that we had well over 850 incredible patch designs submitted for this year’s 2019 mission patch design challenge. NearlyRead More

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